Thursday, March 28, 2024

Septage - Septic Worship (Intolerant Spree Of Infesting Forms) LP [2024]

Artist - Septage
Album - Septic Worship (Intolerant Spree Of Infesting Forms)
Genre - Death Metal / Goregrind
Country - Denmark
Quality - 320 kbps

1. Inauguration of Septic Tank Release and Epic Faecal Sludge Chug-Off
2. Candidiasis French Kiss
3. Septic Baptism
4. Septic Deterioration and Decomposition (Lubricated in Feces for the Great Beyond)
5. Intolerant Spree of Infesting Forms (Septic Worship)
6. Bushmeat Banquet
7. Transilience of Parasitic Infestation (Septic Engorgement
8. Emetic Rites
9. Fungi Licks (Of Septic Drainage Effluent)
10. Devastation of Intestinal Flora by Bushmeat and Infected Blood
11. Haris ve Afir Dalyarakların Hazin Sonu (Nihai İnfilak)
12. Jorden Raser Efter Menneskek¸d
13. Septic Septic
14. Airborne Droplets of the Infected
15. Başkasının Kusmuğu

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